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Lee: A call to independent voters in Fountain Hills


As an Independent, conservative new resident of Fountain Hills, I am writing to express my concern about the growing polarization in our community. It is disheartening to see neighbors and friends divided by partisan politics, unable to find common ground or engage in constructive dialogue.

Unfortunately, I often see letters from those supporting our current mayor with insults and accusations leveled at her opponents and other current Town Council members. I have seen the negative lawn signs against the mayor, too. But more often than not, there’s an obvious bias towards attacking the conservatives who then in turn defend their positions with facts and empathy. What’s good for our town must be decided by voters and facts, not wishes, guesses and favors.

It is essential that we remember that Fountain Hills is a diverse community, home to people from all walks of life and coming from all over the country. We must strive to create a space where everyone feels valued, respected and heard. This means fostering a culture of open-mindedness, empathy and critical thinking.

I urge my fellow neighbors to seek out information from a variety of sources, to engage in civil discourse and to avoid falling prey to misinformation and propaganda. Let us remember that our shared commitment to the well-being of our community is far more important than any political affiliation.

By working together and going to the polls, we can build a stronger, more united Fountain Hills.

Reader reactions, pro or con, are welcomed at AzOpinions@iniusa.org.