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Letter: Chandler city manager worthy of raises


I have worked in three valley cities for almost fifty years. For most of that time, I worked directly for seven City Managers.

I can remember, in the early seventies, my manager confided in me that he just received a raise to over $100,000. That made him one of the highest paid managers in Arizona.

The position of city manager is one of the most diverse executive positions. Balancing the political realities of working for elected officials, representing thousands,, maybe even millions of citizens.

With managing an organization that covers trash collection, cultural activities, engineered infrastructure and a large diversified workforce. I know of no business or organization like it.

It takes a thorough knowledge of the areas of responsibility and people skills unmatched. Just keeping the city council happy is a challenge, always realizing that they represent the people.

The job requires the difficult ability to identify and hire knowledgeable and experienced people to manage the diversified areas that comprise the services provided by the city.

I have been fortunate to work with some of the best. I have also experienced a few who are immensely qualified. But, lack one of the required ingredients, so necessary to keep the balance.

I have watched Chandler government many years, working with department heads and management.  It was by choice that my wife and I decided to make our retirement home in this city.  Chandler government is well run. The city councils, over the years have done an excellent job hiring the best. 


I knew of Josh Wright before moving here. I have known several employees and department heads.  It is my very experienced opinion that he is worthy of whatever salary he earns. And, trust me, he does earn it.


One doesn’t need to look to far to see corporate executives making hundreds of millions of dollars. Nobody can convince me that they earn that kind of money.


To the members of MY city council, keep doing your jobs representing us.  Also, don’t let this man get away . Large cities would love to have a man of his talents and abilities.

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