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Solutions to teen violence won’t come from government


This note is in response to the article written by you and published in the Chandler Independent concerning “Teen Violence.”

It is the total responsibility of the parents and guardians to control, teach and maintain control of the behavior of their teenagers. This type of behavior did not show its ugly head for the first time recently.

This is learned behavior and the parents are totally responsible for modeling and teaching consequences for bad behavior.

I do not comprehend nor accept this concept of parents thinking and expecting the school system and police department to take “MORE ACTION TO STEM TEEN VIOLENCE.”

This is NOT the purpose of either department. This is so sad.

For parents to expect others to handle their children’s bad behavior is totally unacceptable and again demonstrates how irresponsible they are in parenting skills.

Giving parental control over to schools and police departments is the first step in the demise of the family unit.

They are also demonstrating the same behavior as their own children are now demonstrating.

The parents need to be held accountable for the actions of their children and stop blaming others for their lack of parenting skills.

What is needed are parenting classes throughout the school experience for all parents and a contract signed by parents and students acknowledging their responsibilities and consequences when not fulfilled.

We’d like to invite our readers to submit their civil comments on this topic.  Email AZOpinions@iniusa.org.