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Speak Up: Hamadeh tells judge election for attorney general should be redone because of ballot issues


Arizona’s 2022 election for attorney general that saw Republican Abraham Hamadeh lose by just 280 votes should be redone because Maricopa County failed to test their ballot printers and thousands of voters were unable to cast a ballot, Hamadeh’s lawyer told a judge Wednesday.

Attorney Ryan Heath urged Maricopa County Superior Court Judge Scott Blaney to allow what would be the fourth challenge Hamadeh has filed contesting his loss to Democrat Kris Mayes to proceed even though it came well past the quick deadlines on election challenges.

  • "How many times are this guy and Lake going to drag this out? It was investigated fully right after the election at our expense. There’s just a couple of sore losers just like their leader.” — DLG via story comment

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