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Letters: Volunteers make big difference with schools


With Back to School just a few weeks away, there are lots of new happenings going on around Dysart where volunteers would make a big difference.

Elementary and middle school PTAs need help with back-to-school events and support during the school year. Becoming a member of the PTA is easy so you can stay on top of what’s happening at your local school and you can be a member without having a child at the school. 

Middle schools will have their own sports and club programs where volunteer support will make a big difference. High school boosters can always use a hand with the various sport and club happenings throughout the year.

Everyone knows someone who is a teacher so offering to help with creating bulletin boards or putting together back-to-school packets or cutting out projects really helps.

If you have a few hours a week to assist in a younger grade classroom while a teacher meets with small groups is a blessing. Even if you work outside the home, there is always a way for you to assist.

All volunteers who assist in the schools need to become a registered volunteer. It’s easy. Just visit dysart.org/volunteer.

Many hands make light work.