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Letters: More coverage needed on what kids are learning


The Independent has a golden opportunity to out shine the Arizona Republic. 

Your newspaper needs to focus on all of the public school boards in Maricopa County. 

As I am sure you know, school boards across the nation are receiving flack for supporting Critical Race Theory. Few residents of Surprise, or for that matter Maricopa County know what is going on with their individual school boards and inside their school buildings. 

I think there should be weekly coverage regarding what our children are learning or not learning. The US ranks 37th in the world in STEM education. School Board elections receive very little attention by the voters across the nation. The erosion of our cherished freedoms start in the K-12 public schools.   

The Surprise Independent newspaper does offer stories about sports and awards but provides little content about curriculum, school board meetings and policies determined by board members.

As a former teacher I am concerned about the future of our most valuable asset (our children).