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Letters: Mayor, attorney, chief all overstepped their authority in Surprise arrest


I feel I have to speak up in defense of Rebekah Massie in how she was mistreated by the outgoing mayor, Skip Hall, and the police chief who assisted in the mistreatment.

She was simply voicing her opinion that the current city attorney, Robert Wingo, hadn’t demonstrated anything exceptional to earn a 4.4% raise on his already bloated salary of $226,000 a year.

I think Wingo made her point when he sat by and allowed Hall to abuse this resident by not allowing her to voice her opinion. You get the feeling that the Surprise City Council has turned into a “Good Old Boys Club” who has overstepped its bounds.

She was manhandled by the looks of the bruises on her arms and that was totally unnecessary. None of this had to happen if Hall would have just let her say her piece. But no, he was going to flex his outgoing mayoral muscle.

Well, I for one feel a rather large lawsuit coming our way and it is deserved. Hall, Wingo and the police chief should all be shown the door.

Please do not read me wrong, we have the utmost respect for law enforcement and always back the blue until they overstep their authority.