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Letters: Keeping kids safe should be our top job


The safety of our children at school should be every parents first priority.

To this end, a very dangerous and reckless bill, HB 2840, is now making its way through our state legislature.

Just as you wouldn’t want your child playing at a friend’s house where there is a loaded, unsecured gun around, you don’t want your child on school grounds where there may be a loaded gun in occupied or unattended cars.

There are a lot of common sense reasons why this is a bad idea born from a false belief that guns keep us safe. Accidental shootings involving children in cars have occurred. Of the over 400,000 stolen guns each year, one-fourth are from vehicles, even when the gun is out of sight.

At any given time on school grounds, including sports or special events, there are lots of cars on school property. The mere presence of a loaded gun on school campuses increases the risk to everyone including our children, staff and anyone on school grounds.

I urge you to contact your legislators and urge them to vote against HB2840.

Editor’s Note: Mr. Neiberg is a volunteer with Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense In America.