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Letters: Homeowner in favor of Sunrise extension


I live at Mountain Vista Ranch. No, not everyone who lives in this subdivision is against the extension of Sunrise Boulevard. It’s about time. We need another access to Bell Road.

I’m tired of having to wait at least three minutes for the Bell traffic light to change when exiting our subdivision. We need another entrance for fire and emergencies.

[Street extension opponent] Don Levy said the city was using outdated data to determine this. Where is his up-to-date data and how often does he collect and how? His concern is for safety and that there is only one sidewalk at Sunrise. The entire Mountain Vista Ranch addition only has one sidewalk on one side of the road. 

Maybe for safety Mr. Levy can petition the Mountain Vista Ranch HOA to build another sidewalk so we will have two sidewalks on each side for safety in our subdivision.

I will be glad when Sunrise is extended. After it is finished the nonsensical clamor and concern will cease. Sunrise will be like any other street in our addition.