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District 2

Letters: Fountain’s love for president is a big turnoff


[District 2 candidate Wendell] Fountain seems to trust [President] Trump so much I hope he didn’t inject himself with disinfectant. 

Trump’s lack of leadership during this pandemic has been horrible at best.  Because of a lack of federal leadership all the states that have fallen to this virus are going bankrupt because no one is in charge.  

Trump lies to the public on a daily basis, about testing, the dangers of this pandemic,  and quackery meds to fight it, etc.  People that tried to warn of the severity of it were silenced or removed.

He blames China for doing exactly what he and his enablers have done here.  In all the world the USA is No. 1 in deaths and infections.  All he worries about it getting reelected, not about saving the lives of us Americans.  

His minions simply don’t give a damn about spreading this disease either. Stupid is as stupid does. He takes credit for the economy, but that was rolling along just fine from 2008 when [former President] Obama took over from a broke country because of Republicans de-regulating banks and bad tax laws in the mid-’90s.  All of the bad trade deals that Trump argues about were authored and passed by Republicans that didn’t give a damn about American jobs just like the American consumer.

If you ever shopped at Walmart, you can blame them for forcing thousands of manufacturers to go to China to take advantage of cheap labor. Trump added tariffs (a consumer tax) to Chinese goods that American consumers paid.

He then used billions of that money to pay off the farmers that were going broke because he killed their market. The “Peter to pay Paul” economy. Trump is nothing but a bully that takes advice from no one and thinks of himself as invincible because of his enablers like Mr. Fountain, [Sen. Martha] McSally and [U.S. Congresswoman Debbie] Lesko.

Personally, I think that people that align themselves with the Trump policies and the dictatorial style of his leadership aren’t fit for office either.