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Foulke: Buyers should know what they are getting


In regards to the letter from Carol McDade (“Concentrate on Sun City problems,” Sun City West Independent, Dec. 23, 2020), please print this response.

Regarding Luke plane noise, Luke has been here since 1941 training our Air Force pilots. As a homeowner, Ms. McDade surely was made aware of the aircraft presence when she moved into Sun City. Possibly her Realtor did not advise her or provide her with the proper documents regarding Luke’s presence. If you cannot withstand the noise for the few minutes it lasts, move!

The same applies to the trains, here long before Sun City existed. Trains are to sound their horn when approaching any vehicle crossing.

Speeders and golf car signaling should be handled by our county sheriff’s department, but they claim to be undermanned and cannot provide traffic enforcement to the Sun Cities. A county problem not providing residents the enforcement we pay for. Sun City Posse has no authority to conduct traffic enforcement. As for the golf cars, stupidity is the driver’s fault, as it is even with cars/trucks not signaling their turns.

“Dangerous” coyotes have also been here long before Sun City was created. Yes, they are a danger to our pets. Use common sense and protect your pets. The coyotes are not going away as long as we humans provide them with “food opportunities.”

Finally, as for the dog poop problem, has it occurred to you that those deposits were made by the “dangerous” coyotes?

It was your choice to reside in Sun City with all the above mentioned problems. Live with it or move elsewhere.

Gib Foulke

Sun City