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Bagnato: Resident does not understand golf rules


I just don’t get it with how our golf courses are being run.

We continue to play with the silliest, most useless set of “rules” we’ve ever seen. At least half a year has gone by, but we still can’t touch the flag sticks, can’t have bunker rakes, ball washers, scorecards on the tee boxes or scoops in the sand containers. Out of our six golf courses with double doors going into the golf shops, only one requires going in one door and out the other.

Hello, is there some logic going on with Deer Valley that I simply can’t see? None of these restrictions has any basis in scientific fact — bet on it — but God forbid we disobey. No “congregating” unless you’re on the patio at Grandview, partaking in a beverage or meal from the Crooked Putter. Must be some magic cooties disinfectant spraying going on there.

Stop trying to protect us from a threat that essentially amounts to zero. We’re grown-ups, and we don’t need anyone’s draconian oversight. We’re perfectly capable of taking care of ourselves!

Frank Bagnato

Sun City West