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Wheat: Suggestions for water problems in Sun City


Water and what can we do to preserve our share.

I will make this as simple as possible, because I know you will get many responses to your article on water. I believe in self-preservation.             

  1. We keep building houses; we need to stop this. The residents in these houses use water, of course, and I know if we quit building houses it will create a domino effect on our economy.
  2. We are letting millions of illegal immigrants into this country (12 million at last count) and they all use water to drink, bathe, etc.
  3. I wrote a letter to the National Restaurant Association encouraging them to encourage their restaurants and fast-food restaurants to only provide water to patrons that ask for it; use 8-ounce glasses to provide the water, which also means less ice; fast Food restaurants provide 8-ounce glasses for soft drinks, if the patron wants more using 8-ounce cups should do the trick for refills, therefore less water used for the soft drink itself. If you have seen how heavy some of these patrons are that keep going back for more 32-ounce refills we would be doing them a favor to only provide 8-ounce cups; and the other advantages of using less water means less water to clean glasses, less electricity to clean the glasses because they’ll use less glasses and, of course, as I said earlier less ice will be necessary. It would also make inventory much easier to control and less space needed for the inventory.

Robert L. Wheat

Sun City