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Sims: Fear Lord and gain knowledge in Sun City


“The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.” -- Psalms 111:10

“Fear not...” if sprinkled throughout the gospel message. We are living at a time in history when that saying from Jesus needs special attention. Our health, our freedom and our need to worship at the cross are under attack. Political correctness is replacing the Ten Commandments as the model for morality.

Although these conditions are a reality today, we are advised in scripture to fear not.

At the age of about 12 I listened to a wise old lady we taught me about Jesus. From that point in my life, my life began to change, although I was probably not aware of the transition. It was the beginning of my education regarding wisdom.

The idea of fear is a learned process that makes me think of what a minister taught — we are saved from God, by God, for God. That means we are saved from the fear of His wrath by Jesus for His purpose for you.

I have traveled many roads in my 88 years all over the world. That is a blessing because I have been exposed to many people, places and things. In all of my travels, there were two places where I felt uncomfortable and I’m not sure why — New Orleans and the Vatican.

There are many roads yet for me to travel. Therefore, I am looking forward to my next trip wherever it may be because I have learned that...

“Wisdom is more precious than rubies.” -- Proverbs 8:11