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Romain: Sun City bikers error should have been caught


Until recently, I was the news writer for the Palo Verde Artists in Sun City and wrote all of their articles for more than three years.

One thing I took pride in was realizing that you were serious about the high standards you upheld for your publications.

Today I looked at the newest edition of the Sun City Independent Wednesday, April 7, 2021. There, in the left-hand column of the front page under the heading of “Community” was the subhead “Peddling — Sun City bike club members ride for 100 miles; 4.”

Unless the members of the bike club were going door-to-door trying to sell items, they were not “peddling,” they were “pedaling.”

To compound matters, the story on page 4 had the headline, “Sun City club cyclers peddle 100 miles.” Again, obviously, it should have read, “Sun City club cyclers pedal 100 miles.”

I am disappointed and astonished. Does no one actually proof at least the front page? Or, worse, does the person who proofs not know the difference between “peddle” and “pedal?”

You are capable of much more professionalism than this. I hope that greater care will be taken in the future.