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Lind: Members must have more input to RCSC


Change is both good and bad. We have seen many changes in Sun City. Some good, some bad.

Our rules have changed so that the elected board and the non-elected 16-member management team decide what is best for all of us. That is bad.

We have just been given plans for Mountain View Recreation Center, another multi-million dollar project. The long range plan was needed. However, this plan needs to be drawn up with blueprints and total cost. Maybe several options to chose from and than a vote of residents. This option has changed and only board and management make decisions. Not a good change.

At one time there was a spending limit the board could implement ($750,000). Any amount over that had to be voted on. That has changed. Not good.

An example, we bought a piece of property on Grand Avenue for the lucky number of $750,000. Because they could. We are building a multi-million dollar building for a special interest group without the vote of the residents. This is bad.

Obviously, the rules won’t be changed, but a change that could be made out of democracy and common sense. This change would include a blueprint with all costs, it would include options and than a resident vote. This could be done on all projects more than $750000. It would slow the process down. None of these projects are totally necessary. So time is on our side and residents might feel like they are part of the community. If they were more included, they might participate more.

At this time there is no desire to participate. All decisions are made by board and management team. Your voice doesn’t matter. You are at the meeting to listen.

Change is good and Change is bad. Let’s make it good for our community.