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Aleo: New board members make no difference in Sun City


The replacement of four board members with newly elected board members has not sufficiently improved the unpopular Recreation Centers of Sun City Board of Directors.  

See why for yourself. You can watch a video of the entire Jan. 10 RCSC board meeting on the Sun City AZ YouTube channel. Warning, it’s a train wreck!

From the sidelines I would like to thank new board member John Nowakowski for his motions to make changes that the RCSC members requested. Other new board members that were supportive of change were Karen McAdam and Kat Fimmel. 

There is another new board member and I think his name is Allan Lenefsky. He’s an attorney, la-dee-dah. Watch the video to get his name right.

Board member Steve Collins gave it the old college try with several motions in tune with RCSC members. Let’s give him our support.  

Unfortunately, the remaining four board members were as expected. They are out of touch, to say the least. Board member Sue Wilson’s motion to appoint an ad hoc committee was so poorly written that it took a huge portion of the meeting to discuss amendments to the motion. Maybe Lenefsky can offer his help. He’s an attorney, la-dee-dah. The parliamentarian tried to help. Too many mistakes added to confusion and wasted time.

Please try to attend the next RCSC board meeting 9 a.m. Thursday, Jan. 27 in the auditorium at Sundial Center, 14801 N. 103rd Ave. The cookies and coffee are free. Bring your own anti-depressants. 

Bob Aleo

Sun City