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Where’s good for hiking around Arizona?

Outdoors enthusiasts share favorite summer hiking spots, advice


Hi, I’ll be staying in Phoenix for a few weeks. I’m looking for some hike recommendations and maybe some new friends to go with. — Rodrigo Gonzalez



This is not a great time to hike in Phoenix. Especially if you’re not used to it. I suggest a short drive to Sedona!Ashley Moran

Go north

Flat Iron is a must ... as well as Pinnacle Peak. A drive to Flagstaff I would highly recommend. Kendrick Peak is my favorite there but Humphreys is what many do because it’s the tallest mountain. Have fun and bring tons of water. We have visitors all the time that underestimate the heat and end up being rescued or worse. Johanna Samara


This time of year? I recommend hiking in the Alps. It’s getting hot, triple digits in the afternoon. It may feel great at 6 a.m., but then temperature comes up quickly. Eric Long


Be careful, it’s getting very hot and the snakes are out. If you’re not used to the heat and wildlife, take someone who knows summer hiking in Phoenix. Rebecca Pyrz


My favorite go-to hike that pretty much anyone can do regardless of skill level is Wind Cave. If you are looking for a harder trail but not extremely hard I would recommend Wave Cave.Ruth Cover