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Venice: Accusations against liberals unreasonable


Regarding Neil Barwick’s recent letter (“Claims other side has no morals,” YourValley.net, Aug. 5, 2021), it seems to me that you described the “conservatives” not the “liberals.”

Who was it that didn’t believe the scientific evidence — and still doesn’t — about COVID and doesn’t encourage testing and getting vaccinated? Conservatives.

Who is it that isn’t encouraging wearing masks while delta is roaring through our country? Conservatives.

For freedoms sake? Freedom is earned, not a privilege. Name calling — have you forgotten all of the name calling thrown out at every chance by our previous president? And he’s still at it. A conservative.

What about Rep. Kevin McCarthy saying he’d like to hit Pelosi with the gavel? A conservative. I guess that’s alright. Who is it that said Jan. 6 was just a “normal tourist day” and then tried to deny he said it?

A conservative. Who is that said that he would do everything in his power to stop anything that President Biden put forth? McConnell — a conservative.

Who’s passing laws that say water can’t be distributed to voters waiting in line? Conservatives. Who’s taking away ballot boxes so it’s harder for citizens to vote? Conservatives. Who gives the big tax breaks to millionaires and billionaires? Conservatives.

I think you best check your party for values before you continue to cast stones. I may not get the quote exactly right, but “Let he without sin cast the first stone.”