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Julson: We need new, better leaders for Arizona


Vote your values! Let’s move away from party labels and talk about values. I feel like most of those in the majority in our state legislature don’t represent my values anymore, and the laws they’re passing don’t reflect my priorities.

They’re spending way too much time and energy making it harder to vote and starving our schools in order to save a few dollars in taxes. They want to teach our children how to use guns instead of how to interact with each other, out of a misplaced and manufactured fear of a bogeyman called CRT. Not to mention that so-called “audit”! What a waste of time and money.

I think we should get rid of the current deadwood at the Capitol and elect people who know how to invest taxpayer dollars wisely, in schools, public health and community services, to address the real problems facing Arizona.

Those are my priorities, and I’m looking at you, Sen. Barto and Reps. Kaiser and Wilmeth.