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Gilpin: Respect others' decisions


After reading your letter in the Independent on Nov. 28, 2020, I just have one thing to say — "Mr. Megee, mind your own business.”

There is no reason whatsoever to wear a mask while exercising outside. I’m sure the bicyclists were obeying the 6-foot distancing as it’s difficult not to while on a bicycle.

You revealed that you are undergoing dialysis and I respect your opinion that wearing a mask is important to protect your welfare.

But please respect others who prefer not to “mask-up” 24/7.

We are adults and should be able to decide what is best for ourselves. Also remember the mask thing is just a flimsy mandate, not a law.

I wish you good health, but don’t push your ideas on others.

Judy Gilpin
Sun City West

masks, COVID-19