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Evander: As history foretells, failure in Afghanistan inevitable


Our effort to democratize Afghanistan and give all citizens the freedoms we enjoy was noble. Our men and women of the armed forces fought bravely, sacrificing everything to help ensure a lasting peace. This is what the people of our country do best.

We will always be in awe of what these young men and women give to our country and to the people whose lives they are trying to protect and improve.

And yet, wars are started by politicians and rhetoric. What sounds good on paper and in the press is often lacking an understanding of what the commitment of our forces will lead to. It often lacks an understanding of what the people of the nation we want to help need or want.

It often lacks an understanding of history and the repercussions the story foretells. And it often lacks an understanding of the internal forces driving the daily flow and ebb of the nation we are entering.

The likelihood of our nation achieving the mission is dim. The mission statement at the end will not reflect what was desired at the beginning. The chaos of our exit seems to be written in history as the most likely result.