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Copple: Arizona must act now to clear our polluted air


The American Lung Association just released a report on air quality and Maricopa County, which was included, received an “F” and now moved from No. 7 worst in the Nation to No. 5.

The National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences defines air pollution as both human made and natural resources.

Vehicle emissions, fuel oils and natural gas to heat homes, byproducts of manufacturing and power generation, particularly coal-fueled power plants, and fumes from chemical production are the primary sources of human-made air pollution.

Nature releases hazardous substances into the air, such as smoke from wildfires; ash and gases from volcanic eruptions; and gases, like methane, which are emitted from decomposing organic matter in soils.

County air also contains fine particulate matter (PM 2.5), which studies show is 30 times thinner than a human hair and can be inhaled deeply into lung tissue and contribute to serious health problems such as increased risk for heart attacks and strokes, premature births, childhood asthma, etc.

Polluted air and heat are a deadly combination. Some Arizona cities are addressing it. However, cleaner air requires statewide action now!