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Andrews: I can park anywhere that I want


Seems like there are never enough handicapped parking places. Why is that?

Perhaps some due to folks parking there that shouldn’t and some because there simply are too many parking slots that are “reserved” for a myriad of other reasons, really excuses.

The latest reserved slots I noticed were at Safeway.

Premier spaces close to the front door that were former “handicapped-only” parking spaces. Now they are charging station slots reserved for the elite owners of expensive electric vehicles like Tesla’s. But do not fret.

I use one of those EV spots if the handicapped stalls are filled up. I park my internal combustion engine four-banger Honda with my handicapped placard there. And it is perfectly legal. Vehicles, EVs or not, with a handicapped sticker can park anywhere. The only exception, of course, is that no one can park in designated no parking areas.

Don’t sweat signs to the contrary … disabled parking rules!