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Keyword: Bylaws

RCSC revised bylaws sink in shallow water

Recreation Centers of Sun City board member Allan Lenefsky voted for taking out a provision of the revised corporate bylaws because of group of board members said they would torpedo the revisions if it stayed in the document.

Recreation Centers of Sun City bylaw draft is flawed, …

First of all, I would like to thank most of the members of the ad hoc committee for all their time and effort, and I’ll get back to that a little later.

RCSC bylaws on the docket in Sun City

Recreation Centers of Sun City bylaw revisions will be considered for a final vote when the corporate board meets in its next session.

Bylaw revisions presented in Sun City

Recreation Centers of Sun City members could see some changes that might give them more of a voice in RCSC governance if they are approved by the board.

Putting closure on history: Peoria works to return …

If the life of the Peoria Arizona Historical Society were a work of literature, it would now be entering the denouement, or the final outcome, of its story.