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Coward: Rep. Kelly Townsend doesn’t listen


Rep. Kelly Townsend was recently quoted in an article on the effects of the COVID-19 virus and its impact on the state legislature: “If you asked every single person here what they think, I bet you’d get 60 different answers,” Rep. Townsend, R-Mesa, told the House on Tuesday.

Once again our representative is not looking out for the interest of her constituents but is viewing the current situation through the prism of her ideology.

Rather than listening to people with no expertise on the subject she should be listening to the the Centers for Disease Control and what the experts are suggesting.

This career politician is only looking out for her interest and those of her supporters and benefactors and not for all of the people of our district.

We should expect our legislators to base their decisions on the facts and data rather on which way the wind is blowing. Rep. Townsend needs to go. Remember in August, and if she makes it through her primary, in November.

For correct daily updates you can get the latest information on the COVID-19 virus from the CDC on its website, cdc.gov.

David Coward
Gold Canyon