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Sutton: Forcing face masks is dangerous recipe for people with medical conditions


Kudos to Scottsdale Councilman Guy Phillips for standing up to mandates that violate our Constitutional rights.

And he should not need to apologize for using a truthful and factual phrase/statement!

Besides, any kind of censure making, or forcing, Councilman Phillips to apologize is a violation of his First Amendment rights.

“I can’t breathe” is not a trademarked, copyrighted, or otherwise protected phrase/statement.

Anybody can use it! (Don’t get me started on BLM.)

What part of “Freedom of Speech” do you not understand?

I have COPD and severe emphysema (No, they are not the same!) and have trouble breathing even on a “good” day.

When I put anything on as a type of face mask, I can’t breathe.

So, when “you” force me to wear any kind of mouth/nose covering and I pass out from lack of air, are “you” going to cover all of the incurred medical expenses?





Doctor visits?

Physical therapy?

Breathing treatments?

Or, in a worst case scenario, will “you” pay for my funeral?

Why not? Wouldn’t that make a wonderful lawsuit?

Thank you Councilman Phillips for standing up for our rights.

Editor’s Note: Jim Sutton is a Phoenix resident.