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Hover: On the topics of peace and unity


Why is peace and unity so difficult to achieve, not only in world events, but in our own personal lives? Why have so few achieved these two healthy and constructive aspects in their lives?

While healthy competition brings out the best in all of us, it is a fact that the greatest accomplishments of humankind have been achieved through unity and cooperation. How often do ancient hatreds poison the now? In the1940s there was an outstanding Broadway musical, “South Pacific,” by Rogers and Hammerstein, wherein an American nurse (Mary Martin) falls in love with a French plantation owner (Izio Pinza), but is hesitant when she learns he has two Polynesian children. He sings an emotional song, “You’ve got to be taught to hate and fear.” We see and hear so much of that today! Even in sports, the team that wins most often is the one with the best motivation and teamwork.

Perhaps the best explanation why peace and unity is so hard to accomplish is the fact that it requires a change of perception in many people to see the similarities rather than the differences between ourselves and others. Honor the uniqueness of us all rather than the judgmental biases in our thinking. Why is it so difficult to accept the “equal opportunity for all” and “equality of all peoples,” and the “unification of the human race?”

I am encouraged and firmly believe the majority of our U. S. population prefers the later!

Reader reactions, pro or con, are welcomed at AzOpinions@iniusa.org.