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Meet the 2024 Peoria Independent Hometown Hero for lifetime achievement


For his service to Centennial High School and the surrounding community, Coach Richard Taylor has been named the 2024 Hometown Hero for lifetime achievement.

Taylor’s record at Centennial High School speaks for itself — 11 championship game appearances with seven of those wins.

The Hometown Heroes Awards are a celebration of individuals who live, work or teach in the city, and Peoria businesses for their achievements and distinguished contributions to the community and beyond.

Taylor will be honored at an awards luncheon next year. The fourth annual Hometown Heroes luncheon will honor those nominated in 2024.

Get to know Coach Taylor more here.

What do you attribute your success to?
There are so many people I have to thank for the success that we have had here at Centennial. First, my wife Deanne, who has put up with over 50 years of cold dinners, teaching the boys how to ride their bicycles, and me being late to events. I’d also say that I’ve had great assistant coaches, many of them former players. Also outstanding administration, and a community that loves football. Most importantly, I would like to thank God.

What I like most about living/working in Peoria:
There are so many things that I would say that are positive, so I’ll try to nail it down to just a few. I fell in love with Peoria the first time I visited in 1986 when I was looking for a job, I like the friendliness of people, the school system, and I like the convenience of nearby stores and businesses.

Personal background highlights:
I was born in Lorain, Ohio in 1949, and went to Firelands High School in Oberlin, Ohio. Then moved to Arizona in 1986 where I taught and coached at Peoria High School and then at Centennial High School when it opened in 1990. I was fortunate enough to get the head football coaching job and social studies teacher, I’ve enjoyed the 50+ years that I have taught and coached. I’ve had many great assistant coaches and over 290 players that we have helped move onto play college football.

Professional background highlights:
I’m fortunate enough to do something that I love. Many people say I’m crazy for being around young people for so many years, but I truly love what I’m doing. I also still enjoy coaching football. I’ve been fortunate enough to have seven state championships and five runner ups.

What does it mean to be a Peoria resident?
I am very proud to live in Peoria. People are very friendly, very helpful, and I can’t imagine living anywhere else.

What do you think you bring to the local community that makes it better?
I hope my 30 years of teaching at Centennial High School has helped the students I’ve had in my class. I hope that the football program has helped bring the community together with the excitement of Friday night football.

What would you tell people about why it’s important to make a difference?
It’s important to try to make a difference in your life and the life of others and in the community that you live in. I think a life in which all you do is care about yourself and paying the bills and living for fun is somewhat wasted life.

Changes I’d like to see in this area.
Limit traffic and also more things for young people to do.

My family (what have they taught you):
My family has taught me a lot. My father taught me hard work. My mother taught me kindness and respect for others. She would always say if you don’t have anything nice to say don’t say anything at all. They were both very hard-working people. I would say my wife has taught me a great deal about being organized. My two sons, Andrew and James, have taught me patience, understanding and caring about somebody other than myself,

My interests and hobbies:
My interests and hobbies are varied. I like traveling, reading, and I like meeting new people. But I guess the best thing that I like is fishing.

The trait(s) I admire in others:
The traits that I admire most in others would be honesty, kindness and humility.

People who inspired me (and how):
People who inspire me are those that come from very difficult backgrounds and still find a way to be successful. My parents have also inspired me. My father was a World War II veteran who was wounded and almost died. I always felt that my father could do almost anything. My mother always inspired me with her kindness to others and her hard work. David Conrad was my high school football coach and gave me confidence and suggested that maybe I should look into teaching and coaching.

My guiding philosophy.
I guess would be, do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

My advice to today’s youth.
Work hard, play hard, and be kind to those around you.

Name a couple future goals.
Try to stay healthy enough to keep doing what I’m doing. Travel more. Spend more time with my wife and encourage young people to be their best.