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Cravens: There are plenty of studies that conclusively prove effectiveness of masks


I would like to respond to the letter from Frank Gilbert of Sun City West (“Gilbert: Masks are useless, mind control,” September 23, 2020, Daily Independent).

He writes that “there is no statistically significant study that proves conclusively that wearing a mask protects you from COVID.”

Perhaps Mr. Gilbert hasn’t heard that the reason a person wears a mask is not to protect himself or herself, but to protect others. And there are plenty of studies that conclusively prove this fact, I will direct you to the CDC website for more information (https://www.cdc.gov/media/releases/2020/p0714-americans-to-wear-masks.html).

I wear a mask to protect you, not me. And vice versa.

It seems the crowd that is protesting the common sense efforts to try and stop this virus that has now killed over 200,000 fellow Americans is very selfish and can only think about themselves in this time of crisis. If it doesn’t directly benefit them, they scream and throw a fit!

And if Mr. Gilbert is convinced that wearing a mask is a “submission to government” control, I can’t help but wonder if he also walks around with no pants on. Or does he submit to that government restriction? Seems like another government restriction on your “personal freedom” to me!

Editor’s note: Gregory Cravens is a resident of Peoria.