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Cravens: Letter writer leaves out important part


I would like to respond to Lyle Tuttle’s letter from Aug. 24, 2020, regarding Maricopa County Recorder Adrian Fontes’ decision to try to maximize voter turnout.

Mr. Tuttle leaves out the most important fact regarding why Mr. Fontes only wanted to send ballots to Democratic voters in regards to the incident in question — it was for the Presidential Preference Election, and the Democratic Party was the only party holding a Presidential Preference election this year. The Republicans are sticking with the incumbent this year. So in other words, Mr. Fontes was going to mail out ballots to all eligible voters for the Presidential Preference Election.

There, I fixed it for him.

I wonder why Mr. Tuttle failed to mention the fact that he was referring to the Presidential Preference Election that was only for Democratic voters, and not the primary election that was open to all voters? Innocent slip, I’m sure.

Editor’s note: Gregory Cravens is a resident of Peoria.