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Neiberg: Guns not right for Arizona’s college campuses


In her ongoing crusade to prove her mettle to the gun lobby and the NRA, Arizona Sen. Wendy Rogers, R-Flagstaff, has introduced another irresponsible gun bill, Senate Bill 1143, this session.

This bill would allow guns on a college or university campus for anyone with a concealed weapon permit.

In spite of eloquent testimony against this bill by educators, League of Women Voters representation, community college representatives, parent of a college student and the ASU police chief, this bill is still moving forward.

This bill is contrary to all reasonable authorities including law enforcement and educators that a loaded “lethal” weapon does not belong on campus whether in a purse or on a body.

There are a multitude of reasons why this is such a bad bill, especially with the rise of hate crimes on college campuses. Having guns on campus shouldn’t even merit serious consideration if keeping our campuses safe is the goal and can only lead to bad outcomes.

There is no rational reason to pass this bill.

Guns do not belong on a college or university campus, period.