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Moeder: Life during a pandemic — resiliency is key


Coronavirus disease 2019 has brought fear and change into the lives of many people, including mine.

However, there are things I am doing to help stay resilient during this pandemic using the four pillars of Comprehensive Airman Fitness: physical, social, mental and spiritual activities.

The physical aspect of CAF focuses on the importance of performing physical activities that require endurance, strength and flexibility derived through exercise and nutrition.

Staying active has always been a passion of mine. Growing up in the middle-of-nowhere Kansas, I have always enjoyed being outdoors. Some of my best memories are nights spent at the lake camping and hiking with cousins.

I carried that love for camping and hiking with me when I came to Arizona, being outside any chance I could. Phoenix has many mountains and trails which are a perfect getaway from the busyness and stress of life. One of the best remedies when I’m overwhelmed is to get out in nature and get a fresh breath of air.

The social pillar outlines the importance of maintaining trusted and valued friendships.

Being surrounded by people I care about boosts my mood tenfold. I think it’s important to have positive people in your life that you can count on. Whether it be staying connected through phone calls or face-to-face conversation, I make sure to have time with friends while still social distancing.

Being separated from family during this time isn’t easy. I rely heavily on phone calls to stay in contact, and I’m blessed to have the means to do so. I love my friends and family dearly and am thankful to have them during this time, no matter how close or far away they are.

The mental pillar of CAF demonstrates self-control, stamina and good character with choices and actions while approaching life’s challenges in a positive way.

Life throws many challenges our way, COVID-19 being one of them. COVID-19 is motivating me even more so to pursue my goals. While many activities remain closed, I am using the extra time to start attending college and bettering my future. I think it’s important to remain determined and demonstrate self-control while pursuing something I’m passionate about.

The spiritual pillar is about strengthening a set of beliefs, principles or values that sustain an individual’s sense of well-being and purpose.

As a Christian, I remain spiritually resilient through reading the Bible and attending bible study virtually. I draw my strength and sense of purpose from God. This is the most important pillar to help me remain resilient during COVID-19.

It’s more important now than ever to remain resilient. Don’t be afraid to lean on others for help. Foundational friendships between members bind us together, especially in times of hardship. We’re all in this together.

Editor’s Note: Brooke Moeder is a photojournalist at Luke Air Force Base.