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Smith: Let’s keep this town going in the right direction


I have been a resident of Fountain Hills long enough that I have seen all its mayors. Most of our town’s mayors have been long-term residents. Before being elected to office, they typically have been very active in the community volunteering their time and energy in many endeavors. They know the fabric of our town from many years of community involvement.

Our current mayor fits that bill. Mayor Dickey is being challenged by a relative newcomer who has, at best, what I’d call a limited record of community involvement. You need to know our community to be able to provide the best judgment as to what is best for our community.

As the past president of the Fountain Hills Chamber of Commerce, I want someone as mayor who understands the business side of our town. Because of her longtime involvement in the community, I believe that describes Mayor Dickey. In short, she is pro-business.

Our town is moving forward in a positive way, our business community is growing and I urge you to vote for Mayor Dickey to keep it going in the right direction.

Reader reactions, pro or con, are welcomed at AzOpinions@iniusa.org.